Oops! Friday Got Away From Me! Longarm Tip #3

4 03 2012

Friday was way too busy and I didn’t have an opportunity to post…in fact all of last week is a blur! Nevertheless, here is Longarm Tip #3:

Would you like to use prewound bobbins but feel that they are too expensive to use on a regular basis? Here is my argument for using them: they really do have more thread on them and the time saved by not having to change bobbins or even to prepare them is worth it. That being said, I have also found some great sources for prewound bobbins.

Ken’s Sewing Center has a great selection and be sure to check out their store brands of threads. The threads, both the quilting, embroidery and bobbins are awesome and they are very reasonably priced.

APQS has a very reasonably priced prewound bobbin. I have been using these for the past two years and have found them to be well worth the money.

Metro Embroidery also has some great deals…you can keep an eye on their specials and their regular threads are always a bargain.

Hope you have a great week!



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